Obscure Devotion

Forever I'll Lie Alone

…And the darkness falled in my mind,
In the deep abyss of my fears.
…And the Moonlight blinded my eyes,
Silent shadows creeped around me.

Away from the sun,
No new days to come.
Out from His holy coffin,
The Mighty Lord shall fly again.

Oh snowy forest,
Take me with you…
In the mighty embrace of your trees.

…And the despair filled my heart.
…And my weaknesses arose !
Now black flames on life are spawn,
Into ashes and dust She burns.

Fear, in this frozen night,
The sun will appair again.
Voices of an ancient dream
Guide us on.

Fires are burning,
(The) Spirits are haunting my soul.
Oh Immortal Being
Spread your wings,
Cover the sun,
Breathe and freeze us all !

Lights of the past I saw,
In my eyes they flashed.
The wind embrace me,
Into the blackness he brings me.
Refused by the sku,
Into (these) isolated peaks I pray
A pale enchanted moon
Arising with power.
Clouds in the nightsky,
Our Master soon will come.
Dark Blackened Angel:
Forever I'll lie alone !